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"So what do you think you are going to do…

eat me???"

Do your problems seem so daunting you can’t find the way out? Don’t know where to start? We can help you eat your "elephant”

the only way possible - one bite at a time.

                Solutions for

Condo/ HOA Volunteer Leaders

Need help finding the "right" on-site manager? 

Let’s find out what you really need and tailor the search to help you get there.

“Jay has been a tremendous asset to the Radius since he started. I for one have appreciated his organization and commitment to transparency and communication with the building, both as a Board member and as a resident, in these unprecedented times. Thank for your helping us to identify what we needed and find the right fit for this role!”

 -RV, Treasurer

Are big projects in your future and you are not sure you can get it done smoothly?

 We can help plan it and help fill in the missing pieces that make all the difference.

Are Board Members, Managers, and perhaps even Committee Members, not on the same page?

Let’s go back to the basics with our customized Orientation & Tune-up Program.

Invest a couple of hours. It can make all the difference.

Got a mess, but you not sure exactly how big or how to get out of it? 

An operations audit may be just the ticket.

Let’s take a hard look at your operation and find systems that

work with performance metrics to make sure it happens.



Are you leading a small or self-managed association and can't seem to find the services

you are looking for? OR are you tired of worrying about what might be slipping through the cracks? 

We can help set up a turn-key operation with systems you can use.

Association Bridge is not a management company.

We teach you "how to fish,” give you the tools, fill in the gaps, and provide only the support you want.

It’s hard to hit a target you don’t have. Let’s define the problem, prioritize the issues, and set a plan of attack. This can be accomplished with anything from "Strategic Planning Lite” to a full "SWOT” analysis.

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